Every Friday for the past two years, Lily the Labrador has waited for her closest pal in her yard. This buddy is trustworthy and, to to Lily’s joy, always stops to offer her snacks, pets, and play with her.
David is the town’s garbage collector.
Lily has always enjoyed spending time in her Bedford, New Hampshire front yard. She likes to sit and observe people walking by, and she is constantly prepared to protect her family from any malicious squirrels who dare to come onto the property.
Lily had always hoped that someone would stop by and say hello. She waved her tail at canvassers and mailmen alike as they went past. But nobody was giving her the respect she wanted.

Being a perceptive dog, Lily saw that every Friday, a guy would arrive to collect the garbage cans that her family had put out every Thursday night. He was going to become her buddy, Lily could tell.
Their bond has developed into the loveliest thing, according to Ishaan Chatterjee, one of Lily’s owners, who spoke with The Dodo. “We give [our garbage collector] holiday gifts every year to demonstrate our appreciation for how he handles Lily,” the statement reads.
Lily and David, the garbage man, have a unique relationship. Chatterjee claims that despite the fact that Lily is kind to everyone, including those who aren’t dog lovers, he can sense that Lily has a stronger affinity with David.
Chatterjee thinks Lily’s friendship with David also reflects her capacity to see the best in people, even though it undoubtedly has a bit to do with the chocolates in his pockets. Lily will always reciprocate your compassion if you do, regardless of who you are or what you do.
She demonstrates how to be more considerate of others. Talkerjee clarified. It’s incredible how much we can learn from animals.