Zoey was transported to Loudon County by the group to get arson detection training from K9 Services Unlimited’s head trainer, Justin Rigney.

Loudon County is now training a stray pit bull that was found on the streets of New York City to become a K9 officer.(Project Throw Away Dogs)
(WVLT) – Loudon County is now training a stray pitbull that was found in New York City’s streets to become a K9 officer.
Pitbull Zoey was sent to a Florida rescue facility where she received obedience training. According to the group, Zoey still had a lot of energy and needed a method to channel it in a productive way.
To determine if Zoey qualified as a Law Enforcement K9, Throw Away Dogs Project was contacted. A non-profit group called Throw Away Dogs Project is renowned for rescuing misunderstood canines, rehabilitating them into police dogs, placing them in law enforcement positions around the nation, then giving them away for free.
Since the organization’s founding in 2013, 41 K9s have been given and distributed around the nation.
Zoey was transported to Loudon County by the group to get arson detection training from K9 Services Unlimited’s head trainer, Justin Rigney. Rigney consented to work with the Throw Away Dogs Project to assist K9 Zoey find a new life’s mission.
Zoe will complete her training to become the second pitbull arson detection K9 in the United States.
K9 Zoey will be completely trained in arson detection and donated by Throw Away Dogs Project to any Fire Department in need across the nation. Once trained, Zoey will be valued at $15,000.