If you’re wondering why it’s believed that cats have nine lives, this tale amply illustrates why. A cat that was caught on a ledge over a busy freeway managed to survive an extremely trying circumstance.

According to a Facebook post from the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services, a cat that was stuck on a highway and had no chance of escaping was the subject of a call to Animal Care Officer Tutak and Sergeant Flores.
Upon reaching the location, they realized they couldn’t frighten the cat because of his unstable posture, which may cause him to leap. The cat was a little reluctant to trust the cops at first, but as soon as he saw they were trying to assist him, he let them to take him.

After that, they took the cat to the ER for animals. The cat was generally healthy, however he did get a little greedy when given food and water.
Bridges, the cat, was then returned to Animal Care Services so that he could get the love and attention he required. He’s up for adoption right now.