Obi the ‘cheeky’ beagle throws a major tantrum and refuses to budge – forcing his owner to drag him along by his lead.

A grumpy beagle caused quite a scene by throwing a tantrum and refusing to move, prompting his owner to resort to dragging him along the floor by his leash. Video footage captured this incident, showing Gem Ross’ 10-month-old puppy, Obi, stubbornly lying on his stomach in her office after a disagreement. Despite Gem’s instructions for him not to play with toys that belong to other dogs, the mischievous puppy remained glued to the floor, fixated on the toys. In need of a coffee break, Gem urged Obi to get up and follow her, but he remained unmoved, much to her frustration.

Gem struggled to get her playful puppy, Obi, to move in the office. Despite being described as a classic beagle with regal, funny, lovely, cheeky, stubborn, and lazy qualities by his loving owner, Gem found herself having to use the lead to coax him along the floor. When she tried to make a cup of coffee and asked him to get up, he simply remained fixated on his toys, forcing her to resort to gently pulling him until he finally budged.

A video depicts Obi, a 10-month-old puppy, lying on his stomach in his owner Gem Ross’ office in the midst of a tantrum.

This week, Gem had a funny encounter with her playful puppy, Obi, who decided not to listen when told not to play with other dogs’ toys. Gem tried to get Obi to move, but he stubbornly stayed put, leaving Gem no choice but to gently drag him across the office floor. Gem assured that she didn’t hurt Obi in the process, adding a light-hearted touch by mentioning that no beagles were harmed.

Gem shared, “It was quite a scene! Having Obi at work never fails to bring a smile to everyone’s face. He’s always hungry, loves to sleep, and is quite the little trickster. He has a knack for eating things he shouldn’t and constantly tries to push his luck. Despite his mischievous side, Obi is a loving and loyal companion, always there when you need him.”

Gem affectionately characterized her puppy Obi as a quintessential beagle, embodying traits such as regality, humor, charm, cheekiness, stubbornness, and laziness. She recounted a humorous moment when she tried to rouse Obi from his slumber to no avail, prompting her to gently coax him out of his toy-filled daze.