Don Chatten was walking with his two dogs at Ellicott Creek Dog Park when one of his dogs stopped just below the bridge, looking weird and refusing to move. Don Chatten decided to follow along. Not long after, he heard a faint whimper coming from the creek.

Don was aware that a missing dog was in the area, so he went to see if he could find him there. Certainly, he found a dog, stranded by freezing water on all sides. Don Chatten shouted to park visitors to call 911, but again he knew that by the time help arrived the little pooch would not make it. So he had to act as quickly as possible!
Don decided without delay to come in and save the dog himself. He broke the ice with his forearm and went to the waist into the icy waters on a rescue mission. Then he managed to keep the dog close to his chest and crawl back to shore as quickly as possible.

The dog, named Jackson, was a mixed breed Terrier. As soon as they got out of the icy water, the dog was taken to the vet to check if everything was okay. Vets claimed that Jackson was with them there alive and well because of Don’s heroic behavior and his quick and smart thinking.
Locals praise Don for his heroic behavior, but he claims it was all a dog deed because dog was the one asking for help, sensing danger.
The dog’s owner was really happy and excited to reunite with his little fur baby.
We truly wish there were more people like Don out there in the world that will help animals in need without any thinking!