A Paw-some Babysitter: Golden Retriever’s Heartwarming Care for Baby Boy.
A heartwarming video captures the strong bond that developed between a cute dog and his human baby brother. Whitney Parks, a 37-year-old from Boston, shared the story of her one-year-old Golden Retriever, Hinckley, who seemed to view baby Theodore, born in October 2020, as a new playmate. It wasn’t long before Hinckley realized that Theodore was a permanent addition to the family, becoming his loyal companion for naps, snuggles, and meals.

One-year-old Golden Retriever Hinckley has developed a strong bond with newborn Theodore Parks from Boston, forming an unbreakable friendship between the two.

Whitney, aged 37, shared that Hinckley, who has always been used to being the star of the show, mistakenly thought Theodore was brought home as a new plaything just for him. The photo shows Theodore with his father Rob and Hinckley.

Whitney, who works in communications, shared that after bringing Theodore home, their dog Hinckley became very attentive to him. It seems dogs really are man’s best friend as Hinckley wanted to be a part of everything Theodore did. Whitney explained how Hinckley initially thought Theodore was brought home as a new toy just for him, considering he had been the center of their world for a year. In the first few nights, Hinckley would keep a close eye on Theodore while he slept, observing his every move in amazement. As time went on, Hinckley realized Theodore wasn’t going anywhere, and he became obsessed with being around him and participating in his activities. Teddy and Hinckley now enjoy snuggling together on the couch or floor, especially during tummy time.

Whitney mentioned that it took Hinckley a couple of days to understand that Theodore wasn’t planning on leaving. In the photo, you can see Baby Theodore and Hinckley together.

Whitney shared that Hinckley is completely enamored with Theodore, wanting to participate in everything he does. Photo: Hinckley and baby Theodore.

Whitney shared that Theodore and Hinckley enjoy cuddling together on the couch or during ‘tummy time’ on the floor. In the sweet photo, Baby Theodore and Hinckley can be seen bonding. Hinckley makes sure to be present during every feeding, with Teddy on the left and Hinckley on the right, creating a special moment for the trio to snuggle and connect. Whitney also mentioned that Hinckley sometimes sneaks away with Teddy’s dirty burp cloth, making her chuckle at the playful antics. The pair’s bond is heartwarming, and Whitney is thrilled that Theodore will have his furry big brother by his side as they grow up together.

According to Whitney, when it’s feeding time, Theodore likes to snuggle up on her left side while Hinckley prefers to be on her right. It’s a precious moment for them to connect and build their bond. See the adorable duo in the photo: Baby Theodore and Hinckley.

Whitney chuckled as she watched Hinckley snatch Theodore’s dirty burp cloth and walk away with it. She shared, “It’s just too cute! Seeing them together warms my heart, it’s obvious that Hinckley is becoming a protective big brother to his little sibling. I can’t get enough of their bond.” Currently, Hinckley is still figuring out what Teddy is, but he knows that he is important and that he must take care of him. Whitney is excited for the day when Teddy can interact more with Hinckley, and the two can become best buddies, embarking on endless adventures together.

Whitney confessed that her heart softens when she sees Hinckley stepping into the role of a protective older brother, taking care of his younger sibling Theodore. The two are captured together in the photo.

Whitney mentioned that Hinckley is still uncertain about Teddy’s true nature, but he is determined to watch over him. The photo shows Hinckley and Theodore together.

Whitney expressed her anticipation for the future when Theodore can interact more with Hinckley, looking forward to the adventures they will have together. Shown in the photo: Infant Theodore and Hinckley.