At the BARC Animal Shelter in Houston, Texas, there is less and less chance of restoring an 11-month-old puppy’s faith in people. Two weeks ago, Scarlett’s foster parents saved the puppy’s life, but they have since acknowledged that they lack the skills required to handle a dog this fearful and shut down.

On May 10, 2023, Scarlet came to the shelter as a stray. She was described as a Labrador retriever mix and weighed 45 pounds. She first withdrew to a corner of the shelter, declined incentives, and shook and shivered anytime anybody approached her.
On May 15, the dog was supposed to be put to death, but a BARC foster stepped in just in time to save her.
And she’s come back. Scarlet isn’t to blame; she was unaware that everyone could be on their best behavior at the moment. We need a foster parent with experience who can take care of animals like Scarlett.

Please inform her situation to your social media connections, family, close friends, and respected rescue agencies. By sharing, lives can be saved.