In a video from Vladivostok, a lioness at the zoo is seen biting her small cub, causing concern for its safety. The park director has noted that the lioness’s behavior is unusual and not quite normal. The lioness, named Sirona, is a first-time mother who is known to be very introverted.
A video of a lioness at a zoo biting her small cub has caused concern among keepers at the White Lion Park in Vladivostok, Russia. In response, the keepers have removed the two babies from their mother and entrusted them to a German shepherd named Sandra for nursing. The newborn kittens were reportedly emaciated and dehydrated, and there were concerns about their survival. According to park director Viktor Agafonov, the lioness’s behavior is abnormal, and she appears to be biting the cubs, with one of them even having a wound.
In a concerning video, a lioness at the zoo was caught biting her small cub. As a result, caretakers decided to take action and relocate her two babies. They handed them over to a German Shepherd named Sandra, who would nurse and care for them.

The newborn kittens at the White Lion Park located in Vladivostok, Russia, were in danger due to their weakened state. They were described as “emaciated and dehydrated,” causing concern for their survival.
According to the park director Viktor Agafonov, the behavior of the mother lion is unusual. Sirona, who is a first-time mother and known for being shy and secretive, was not taking proper care of her cubs. However, the park’s German Shepherd, who usually dislikes cats, welcomed the little African lion cubs into her family. Despite having only one puppy of her own, the dog had enough milk to feed all three. Agafonov praised the eight-year-old foster mom for accepting and caring for the lion cubs.

Sirona, a lioness who is experiencing motherhood for the first time, was initially known for her shy, reserved, and secretive personality. However, keepers noticed that she was not showing proper care for her young cubs.
The loyal German Shepherd in the park didn’t encounter any difficulties, as she had just become a mother to a single puppy.

According to Agafonov, it’s fascinating that the dog dislikes cats but still welcomed the little African lions into its family. The dog has been a great help in taking care of the cubs, especially since their mother, Sirona, hasn’t shown up. The male cub is already nursing carefully, and the female cub is also feeding well. This is a rare occurrence where an animal from one species fosters cubs from another, particularly in the wild. The dog’s milk is highly suitable for the cubs as it contains all the essential nutrients they need to thrive.