A fishing enthusiast spotted a bear cub that had fallen into the river in the early summer morning of 1984.
The current swept him along. Without second thought, the man entered the middle of the rapid and helped the bear cub to the shore.

After a fisherman saves a bear baby, the mother bear visits him the next day bearing a gift.
The next day, a bear approached the fisherman after the fisherman thought the episode was ended.
The fisherman remembered that day’s bite as being quite feeble. Unable to resist, the bear cub presumably slipped into the river while standing upstream and trying to fish.
The bear appeared to be around a month old. The man walked into the rapids since it was much simpler for an adult to stay in the river because it was evident that he could not handle the current.
After a fisherman saves a bear baby, the mother bear visits him the next day bearing a gift. The bear cub bolted into the vegetation while the fisherman, perched on a hard bank, shrugged and grabbed his gear.
He went back to the same general area the following morning, but after a while he sensed someone watching him.
A sizable bear could be seen approaching him from behind as the man turned his head.
When he unexpectedly noticed a huge mound of fish at her paws, he was still unsure of how to respond.
After a fisherman saves a bear baby, the mother bear visits him the next day bearing a gift. The bear stood for a time before shaking her head and walking away, leaving her catch as a token of appreciation for saving the youngster. It seems that wild animals are far more intelligent than people believe. At least they are familiar with the emotion of thankfulness.