After her owner was deported, Josephine, also known as “Pheenie,” the dog, was left behind. In a junkyard, she sought shelter behind a shipping container from the heat and rain. She was left alone for nine years, subsisting on leftovers and crumbs from the community. But time eventually caught up with her.

By the time Pheenie was an elderly dog, her health had deteriorated from the constant stress and abuse. After being hit by a truck, she lost her right eye. She also experienced severe dental issues, a urinary tract infection, several excruciating breast tumors, and a spinal cord infection.
This awful movie follows the volunteers from Hope For Paws as they try to rescue Pheenie from her lonely environment. Despite the difficult nature of the procedure, Pheenie eventually came to the awareness that someone had come to save her in her old age. She delivered a strong hug and a mournful look to her rescuers.

Pheenie was placed in a long-term foster care program to accommodate her growing medical needs. She spent five lovely months living on the vast farm of her foster home, where she was happy, pampered, and carefree until she died of old age. Despite Pheenie’s tragic life of destitution and isolation, she was surrounded by unceasing love during her final days. Let Pheenie rest in peace.
See Pheenie’s terrifying rescue from the junkyard and her relaxed last few days in foster care in the video below: