By the time Buddy the Pit Bull was rescued, he had been physically and emotionally traumatized from being used as a bait dog by a dog fighting ring. He was terrified as his emaciated body was punctured and infected.

Though Bubby narrowly avoided being put to death, his problems were far from ended. He was imprisoned in a garage for the following two months like a useless piece of garbage. When a woman finally learned of his condition, she immediately adopted him. Bubby was dejected and perplexed as he sat in his savior’s vehicle; he was unaware that his life was about to undergo a drastic transformation.
Bubby was touched as he received love and care for the first time from his new mom. She gave him enough space to overcome his shyness and fears at his own pace. Over the months, he impressed everyone by making an unbelievable physical and mental recovery. He grew especially attached to the woman who saved him, which ended up manifesting as acute separation anxiety (it is quite understandable considering what he has been through).
Bubby’s owner decided to crate train him to give him a sense of security and stability when she was not around. It was during this crate training that Bubby recognized a newfound feeling of comfort in blankets! Every morning, he would step out of his crate with his blanket and parade around the house snorting happily and wagging his tail away!
His traumas and nightmares faded away gradually, but his sacred blanket routine remained intact. With time, he developed similar devotion to his pillows, toys, and just about anything that felt like home!
When his family adopted a rescue Pit Bull named Simon to keep him company, Baby received the best gift of all. They thought Bubby would finally lose his blanket obsession, but that never happened. As Simon deeply adored and looked up to Bubby, it was only a matter of time that he copied his brother’s blanket love without inhibitions! Aww! Pit Bulls are such adorable sweethearts!
Check out the amazing video :