Shirley and Laverne were left at a school in Corpus Christi, Texas by their family and they were upset about it. However, they found solace in each other’s company and have been inseparable ever since. They share a mother-daughter bond that is unbreakable. A kind woman who went to feed the homeless animals at the school discovered them in early November. Despite their initial fear and attempts to flee, the woman persisted and spent over a month trying to gain their trust. Her efforts paid off and the dogs finally warmed up to her. As a reward for her kindness, she adorned Shirley and Laverne with beautiful necklaces and took them home in her car.

Leslie Ysuhuaylas, a lifeguard who helped Shirley and Laverne, recounted that the two dogs tried to escape and were clearly frightened by the situation. The brown dog appeared to be more frightened when she was taken up, while the brindle dog remained calmer throughout the ordeal.
After being placed in a Texas foster home, a mother and daughter were taken in by Feeling Fine Rescue in South Florida. Tracey and Micaela Godin, the directors of the rescue, made the compassionate decision to accept them into their facility. Micaela expressed her astonishment at how the pair managed to endure such hardships and live alone for a prolonged period of time. She noted that these experiences had undoubtedly taken a toll on their physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

The dogs experienced a lot of stress and confusion during their long journey from Texas to Florida. However, their strong bond and ability to comfort one another helped them through the difficult times. Micaela Godin, who witnessed the events, commented that the dogs were clearly disoriented and scared since they had no idea where they were going. Despite this, they remained grateful for each other’s company and provided comfort during the challenging trip. Eventually, in January, Shirley and Laverne arrived safely in Florida.
According to Tracey Godin, the rescued animals were filled with joy upon seeing the rescue facility and its backyard. They frolicked in the grass and seem to be gaining more confidence each day. However, their bond remains unbroken and unchanged as they continue to support each other.